


  例1. Nowadays, the call for quality-oriented education is becoming widespread and the drawbacks of test-oriented education, which have aroused great concern throughout China, are becoming increasingly apparent.

  例2 The sharp contrast hinges on the protection of the green house, which determines in a large measure the life and death of the lovely flower.

  例3 This trend began during the Second World War, when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail.

  例4 The researchers made great progress in the early 1970s, when they discovered that oncogenes, which are cancer-causing genes, are inactive in normal cells.

  例5 I’m off to St.James Park, where I have to give a lecture on the theatre.


  例1 By contrast, when removed from the green house, the protective umbrella, it struggles helplessly against the sudden attack of storms, only to wither away.

  例2 Parents are too eager to mold their kids, disregarding their individuality with a callous attitude toward their personal development.

  例3 School-age children are often seen carrying bulging bags on their backs, weighed down on their way to and from school every day.


  例1 As is distinct from above, the number “13”, a long-held symbol of ominousness in the eyes of most westerners, seems to be plaguing them.

  例2 By contrast, when removed from the green house, the protective umbrella, it struggles helplessly against the sudden attack of storms, only to wither away.

  例3 Specifically, the number “6”, as they strongly believe, is closely associated with smoothness in the Chinese culture.

  例4 There were twenty people present, to be precise.

  例5 Roughly speaking, these countries are the most densely-populated in Asia.

  例6 So we sleep well in a familiar, safe place, but we sleep lightly, if at all, when we fear that bears will nose into the tent.

  例7 You can gain little, if any, learning in such a way.


  例1 We now live in a society where competition in the job market rages, with graduates and job-hunters from all walks of life scrambling for desirable jobs.

  例2 As described in the picture, an American girl is wearing a Chinese costume characteristic of some minority group, with a sweet smile on her face.

  例3 These children can set their hearts at ease, with everything well- arranged by their parents.

  例4 With education on all sides being enforced, our young college students will grow up to be qualified not only in their fields but, more importantly, in moral cultivation.

  例5 He entered upon the new enterprise cautiously, with his eyes wide open.


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