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  1. 照顾父母 take care of parents

  2. 传统道德 traditional Chinese ethics

  3. 人生观 philosophy of life

  4. 坚持传统观点和生活方式 stick to old ideas and lifestyles

  5. 抚养子女 bring up children

  6. 与父母一起生活 live with parents

  7. 养老院 nursing homes

  8. 接受专业护工的精心照料 receive intensive care of the professional nurses

  9. 雇佣保姆 hire a babysitter

  10. 成人子女 adult children

  11. 普遍做法 common practice

  12. 忍受无法言说的无聊与孤独 suffer unspeakable boredom and loneliness

  13. 承担责任 shoulder the responsibility

  14. 陪伴年迈父母 accompany the elderly parents

  15. 做出牺牲 make sacrifices

  16. 完全享受生活 enjoy life thoroughly

  17. 对死亡的恐惧 the fear of death

  18. 年迈的 aged

  19. 给与足够的时间 give adequate time

  20. 传达关爱 extend the care to older people


  1. 年轻人确实有照顾父母的责任。

  It stands to reason that young people have the duty to take care of their parents.

  2. 我们的长辈理应得到年轻一代的关爱和陪伴。

  Our elders deserve the care and company that the young extend to them.

  3. 年轻人可以从每天和他们生活在一起的长辈的经验和智慧中受益。

  Younger people, if living with their older people on a daily basis, can benefit from their rich experience and wisdom.

  4. 独自居住,他们不得不忍受无法言说的无聊与孤独。

  Living out the company of sons and daughters, they have to suffer the unspeakable boredom and loneliness.

  5. 问题的症结恐怕就在这里。

  Maybe that is where the rub is.

  6. 让我们来研究一些基本事实,承认赡养老人是每一位子女应尽的责任。

  Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that it is every adult child’s responsibility to take care of their aged parents.

  7. 有些老人因为对死亡的恐惧而感到烦恼。

  Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death.

  8. 随着经历的衰退,老年人的疲惫感会增长。

  With the decay of vitality, weariness increases.



  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

  1) describe the drawing briefly,

  2) explain its intended meaning, and

  3) give your comments.

  You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)

  As is vividly described in the cartoon, under the heavy rain lie a mud hut and a brand new tall building. A man standing on the balcony is shouting at the top of his voice, “Mom, come and ‘live upstairs’!” After a while, he moves the shelter atop the building, rather than really welcomes his mother home. How ironic the picture is!

  Undoubtedly, the caricature has drawn our attention to such a worrying phenomenon that quite a few adult children shirk their responsibilities of taking care of their aged parents. However, severe consequences will ensue if this problem keeps existing. First and foremost, when these parents retire from the work and gradually lose contact with the outside world, they have no company except their adult children. In this case, if these children refuse to take time out of their schedule to visit them every now and then, they will very possibly suffer from extreme loneliness, depression or even other terrible diseases. In addition, grown-ups who are still trying to shrug off this duty will inevitably set a rather negative example for their children. Last month, a survey conducted by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences found that among all the factors contributing to the juvenile delinquencies, their parents’ negative examples are the most principal.

  As far as I am concerned, no way should this undesirable phenomenon be ignored. Relevant departments in governments of all levels should work out effective measures to put an end to it and advocate an atmosphere where all people respect the old and love the young.


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SRC-2019465929 2020-01-09