①The subtle and intelligent little book The Marketplace of Ideas: Reform and Resistance in the American University should be read by every student thinking of applying to take a doctoral degree.②They may then decide to go elsewhere.③For something curious has been happening in American Universities, and Louis Menand, a professor of English at Harvard University, captured it skillfully.④His concern is mainly with the humanities: Literature, languages, philosophy and so on.⑤These are disciplines that are going out of style: 22% of American college graduates now major in business compared with only 2% in history and 4% in English.
1.这本精妙的、睿智的小书:the subtle and intelligent little book(subtle=very clever in noticing and understanding things)
2.发生了某种奇妙的事情:something curious has been happening
3.敏锐地捕捉到了这一点:capture it skillfully
4.过时的学科:disciplines that are going out of style
5.美国一流大学:leading American universities
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