


  1. 中国经济 Chinese economy

  2. 繁荣 booming/thriving/prosperity

  3. 萧条 decline/recession/depression

  4. 有巨大消费潜力 have huge consumption potential

  5. 购买力 purchasing power

  6. 把……列为基本国策 list…as fundamental national policy

  7. 扩大消费市场 expand consumption market

  8. 推动消费升级 promote consumption upgrading

  9. 推出优惠政策 release preferential policies

  10. 降低个人所得税 lower individual income tax

  11. 鼓励收入多元化 encourage income diversification

  12. 平均收入 per capita income

  13. 提高生活水平 enhance the living standard

  14. 购房 purchase an apartment

  15. 支付房租 pay the rent

  16. 交通成本 transport cost

  17. 食品开支 expense on food

  18. 教育开支 educational expenditure

  19. 减轻税负 reduce tax

  20. 鼓励消费 encourage consumption


  1. 上述饼状图/折线图/柱状图/图表反映了…

  The pie chart/line chart/bar chart/chart given above reflects…

  2. ….占有… %, 占最大部分。

  Proportion on ... accounts for… %, ranking first.

  3. 很明显,这些数据反映了中国普通城市家庭的生活。

  Obviously, such statistics regarding family expenses reflects the lifestyles of the average urban family in China.

  4. 经济的迅速发展和个人财富的增长为购买住房奠定了坚实的基础。

  The recent rapid growth of national economy and personal wealth in recent years lays a solid basis for purchasing a spacious apartment.

  5. 城镇居民高度重视自己和子女的文化教育,因此对自己和自己的未来进行了大量的投资。

  Urban residents attach great importance to educational and cultural services, so they invest a lot on their family’s future.

  6. 在经济发展的推动下,普通居民的生活水平迅速提高。

  Driven by the recent economic growth, the living standard of ordinary residents has been raised rapidly.

  7. 迅速增加的居民收入带来强大的购买力。

  Rapidly rising household incomes bring about strong purchasing power.

  8. 为鼓励居民消费,政府推出了一系列的优惠政策,包括降低个人所得税。

  To encourage residents to consume, the government has introduced a series of preferential policies, including reducing individual income tax.

  9. 这张饼图反映的现象在未来几年肯定会继续下去。

  The phenomenon mirrored by the pie chart is bound to continue for a couple of years in the forthcoming future.

  10. 政府把鼓励消费列为重要的国策,大力推动居民消费层次升级。

  The government has made encouraging consumption an important state policy and vigorously promoted the upgrading of consumer spending.


  48. Directions:

  Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should

  1) interpret the chart, and

  2) give your comments.

  You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)

  The chart given above reflects the distribution of consumption for residents in a city in 2017. To be specific, proportion on purchasing or renting an apartment accounts for 32.1% of the total income, ranking first. Expenditure on educational and cultural services and on food occupies 21% and 18.2% respectively, with transport expense 17.5%.

  It is no difficulty for us to come up with some possible factors to account for the phenomenon. To begin with, the recent rapid growth of national economy in recent years stimulates higher prices for apartments in the city, which can justify a higher residential consumption. In addition, the majority of urban residents usually attach great importance on education, so they also invest a lot on education and cultural services.

  Taking above-mentioned analysis into account, we can naturally arrive at the conclusion: as the society further develops, the phenomenon mirrored by the pie chart is bound to continue for a couple of years in the forthcoming future, which is truly acceptable in general.


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SRC-2019465929 2020-01-09