As is shown above, in the first picture, along the road walked a young and vigorous mother, leading her girl hand in hand, with smile on her face three decades ago, while nowadays the daughter in the prime of her life guided her aged mother through the road arm in arm in the second picture. Recently there is a heated discussion about these pictures on Weibo. Simple as they are, the meaning behind is as deep as ocean.
The primary purpose of this carton is that due attention should be paid to the issue of caring for the elders. With the development of science and technology, the living standard of Chinese people has been improved significantly. However, the living condition of elders has somehow been ignored. Considering that elders have contributed a lot to our society in their young times, we should make joint efforts to take care of them. First of all, emphases should be given to the cultivation of young children on respecting and loving the elders, which is undoubtedly an essential factor of this phenomenon. In addition, our government should take joint efforts to carry out effective measures on how to punish those who abuse the elders. Last but not the least, every individuals should keep deep in mind that it is the elders that contributed a lot to the rapid development of our society.
Given all the above arguments, I take the attitude that, first of all, we should show filial piety to parents who bring us to maturity. More importantly, the public should embrace and promote the awareness of filial duty which is importance for a more active and healthy society. In conclusion, filial piety,as a traditional Chinese virtue, is indispensable for us living a more valuable and fulfilling life.
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