I cloze
1. As well as
2. Decide on
3. Arrange
4. Above all
5. After
6. Into
7. But
8. Recite
9. Tying
10. Lighting
11. Union
12. Live
13. Until
14. Obtain
15. Persuaded
16. Whatever
17. Brought
18. Divided
19. Shows
20. While
II Reading comprehension
Part A
21. Physical beauty would be redefined.
22. Doing harm to.
23. New standards are being set in Denmark.
24. Showing little concern for health factors.
25. A Challenge to the Fashion Industry's Body Ideals.
Text 2
26.is not well reflected in politics
27. gradually destroyed
28. The Liberal Democrats are losing political influence
29. highlight his firm stand against lobby pressure
30. the town-and-country planning in Britain
Text 3
31. uncertainty
32. winning
33. less severe
34. has an impact on their decision
35. the necessary
Text 4
36. the high cost of operation
37. make strategic adjustments
38. is meant for the most loyal customers
39. Aggressiveness better meets challenges
40. Cherish the Newspaper Still in Your Hand
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