


  1. 竞争:the competition in our country becoming increasingly fierce

  2. 压力:under the heavy pressure/stress of ...

  3. 经济发展/繁荣:advancement/boom/ prosperous/prosperity/prosper

  4. 就业机会增多: more opportunities for employment

  5. 就业困难:difficulty in finding a satisfying job

  6. 效率:high efficiency,

  7. 公平:fair/equal-fairness/equality

  8. 经济形势:economic trend/situation

  9. 经济危机:economic crisis

  10. 国内市场:homeland/domestic market

  11. 退款:refund

  12. 补偿:compensation

  13. 生活水平:living standard

  14. 购买能力:purchasing/buying power

  15. 华尔街:Wall Street

  16. 私家车:private automobile/traffic jam, air pollution, noise pollution


  1. the change is closely related to the rising income of Chinese people.


  2. the change has a lot to do with the turning of people’s towards and outlook in life.


  3. with the development of economy and society ,competition becomes increasingly fierce.


  4. there is no denying the fact that education is of benefit to both personal growth and economic prosperity.


  5. with the speedy development of the economy and the increase in people’s

  Income,a large number of people could now afford a car.(are paying more attention to the features of a restaurant.)


  6. a great many Chinese cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are being extended with the highways,for people in these cities,owning a private car can save them time and bring a lot of conveniences.


  7. the amount of people studying abroad and the growth rate.


  8. how well we handle this social issue reflects the degree of civilization of our country .


  9. Thanks to the global economy boom, people’s income has surged by leaps and bounds, which makes sure that they can afford mobile phones which have become a life necessity overnight rather than a luxury.



  10. Meanwhile, the price continues to drop as the technology advances, which is also responsible for this situation.


  11. Considering the population size in developing countries, the number of potential customers would be enormous, thus its market hadn’t reached saturation, leaving much room for growth.


  12. What’s more, we must admit that the government has released various favorable policies to support our native industries.


  13. Considering the fierce competition, the awareness and abilities in innovations in this industries are enhancing, and so are the technologies.




  Write an essay based on the following chart. In your essay, you should

  1) interpret the chart, and

  2) give your comments.

  You should write about 150 words on ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

  The bar chart given above describes the significant changes in the population of rural poverty during the period from 2013 to 2017 in China. Based on the data, we can see that there is a steady decrease in the number of the population of rural poverty from approximately 82.49 million to 30.46 million.

  It is no difficulty for us to come up with some possible factors to account for this trend. Firstly, thanks to the economy boom, the rapid development of rural economy has surged by leaps and bounds, which makes sure that the rural residents have opportunities in ever-mounting numbers to enhance their abilities. Secondly, as the technology advances, the communication technology continues to develop, which makes more and more rural people know the world through the Internet. They eager to escape from poverty, so people in rural area have given education a priority, which is also responsible for this situation. Last but not the least, we have to admit that our government has released some preferential policies to support the rural population.

  Taking into account what has been argued, we can come to the conclusion that this established trend is positive and therefore acceptable. And it is certain that this trend will continue in the years to come.


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SRC-2019465929 2020-01-09