and, besides, finally, first, firstly, further, in the first place, last, next,second, secondly, third, thirdly, to begin with, to start with,
a) It also assigned staff people to work with individual companies that wanted to launch a program.
b) This is a flexible and user-friendly system suitable for beginners and advanced users alike.
c) You need to know what rights you have and how to use them.
d) Besides going to aerobics twice a week, she rides horses on Saturdays.
e) And finally, I'd like to thank the crew.
f) First, I'd like to thank everyone for coming.
g) The application of the five stages to the task illustrated would involve, firstly,thedefinitionofthetask.
h) It is possible to make good movies cheaply. Further, "low-budget" doesn't have to mean "bad."
i) And there is the question of the relevance of the trading of information in the first place.
j) Connect the red wires first and the black ones last.
k) First you need to select the text you want to move. Next,clickon the"Move"commandatthetopofthescreen.
l) But, second, in the vast majority of markets, efficient production can be attained with a high degree of competition.
m) The more you practise the better you will become at selecting historical information to suit firstly your essay and secondly your argument.
n) To begin with, much of this new housing is not affordable.
o) I'm not going to Vegas. To start with, I don't like gambling, and I also can't get time off work.
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