




  101.Some of the most important concepts in physics________ their success to these mathematical systems.

  A) oblige

  B) owe

  C) contribute

  D) attribute

  102.An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of________ .

  A) urgency

  B) danger

  C) emergency

  D) crisis

  103.Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is________ loud continuous noise.

  A) subjected to

  B) filled with

  C) associated with

  D) attached to

  104.Are there any________ for believing that there is life on other planets?

  A) facts

  B) foundations

  C) grounds

  D) bases

  105.More than two hundred years ago the United States________ from the British Empire and became an independent country.

  A) got off

  B) pulled down

  C) dropped off

  D) broke away

  106.News writers are expected to be clear and accurate, the form in which they write or speak is________ to that requirement.

  A) superior

  B) secondary

  C) inferior

  D) contrary

  107.The wine glasses were so________ that I was afraid to carry them home by bus.

  A) delicate

  B) flexible

  C) shaky

  D) tender

  108.It is well known that knowledge is the________ condition for expansion of mind.

  A) incompatible

  B) incredible

  C) indefinite

  D) indispensable

  109.Much of the equipment was lying________ because of a lack of spare parts.

  A) helpless

  B) vacant

  C) idle

  D) lonely

  110.When confronted with such questions, my mind goes________ , and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.

  A) dim

  B) blank

  C) faint

  D) vain

  111.The poor reception on your TV is probably due to outside________ .

  A) interference

  B) inaccessibility

  C) interruption

  D) irregularity

  112.Too much________ to X-ray can case skin burns, cancer or other damage to the body.

  A) disclosure

  B) exhibition

  C) contact

  D) exposure

  113.The latest survey of 50 young couples in that city shows the average cost for a wedding has doubled the________ of 1986

  A) size

  B) number

  C) figure

  D) quantity

  114.It was only after the failure of the talks that the government decided to________ to force

  A) use

  B) resort

  C) apply

  D) employ

  115.Gasoline is processed from________ oil

  A) crude

  B) raw

  C) rough

  D) tough

  116.In________ with the new regulations, all tickets must be stamped.

  A) combination

  B) agreement

  C) connection

  D) accordance

  117.We cannot always________ the wind, so new windmills should be designed that they can also be driven by water.

  A) hang on

  B) count on

  C) hold on

  D) come on

  118.China has greatly________ its influence in world affairs in the past twenty years.

  A) enlarged

  B) scattered

  C) extended

  D) contributed

  119.With a wave of his hand , the magician made the rabbit________ .

  A) lose

  B) escape

  C) fly

  D) vanish

  120.He asked his sister to look after his children________ his death.

  A) in the event of

  B) in view of

  C) on account of

  D) on the edge of


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