




  281.Water, when boiled, always________ steam.

  A) gives in

  B) gives out

  C) gives off

  D) gives away

  282.There are other problems which I don’t propose to________ at the moment.

  A) go about

  B) go into

  C) to after

  D) go in for

  283.The farmers in this country can improve their________ by using better seedlings and more fertilizer.

  A) yield

  B) growth

  C) harvest

  D) gain

  284.In addition to rice, we need to________ our diet with fish, meat and vegetable.

  A) replace

  B) supplement

  C) replenish

  D) mix

  285.We had difficulties at first but everything worked________ smoothly in the end.

  A) off

  B) up

  C) away

  D) out

  286.I didn’t like his offer so I turned it________ .

  A) away

  B) off

  C) down

  D) out

  287.Be very careful with this ancient vase as it is________ a lot.

  A) worthwhile

  B) worth

  C) worthy

  D) deserving

  288.Henry’s news report covering the conference was so________ that nothing had been omitted.

  A) comprehensive

  B) inclusive

  C) concise

  D) precise.

  289.As a________ president, his views are treated with respect when he is interviewed.

  A) prior

  B) previous

  C) late

  D) former

  290.After considering various alternatives, we decided to________ our original plan.

  A) hang on

  B) hold to

  C) take to

  D) see to

  291.The supply of electric power to the city and its neighboring districts has had to be________ .

  A) weakened

  B) minimized

  C) restricted

  D) slowed

  292.I cut my finger two days ago and it has become badly________ .

  A) infected

  B) decayed

  C) deteriorated

  D) diseased

  293.Is it advisable to________ our body to the sunlight?

  A) reveal

  B) display

  C) expose

  D) show

  294.She has to be very________ because she hasn’t much money.

  A) economic

  B) economical

  C) sparing

  D) careful

  295.John was so________ in his book that he did not hear the door bell ring.

  A) engaged

  B) occupied

  C) absorbed

  D) concentrated

  296.I helped him clean the floor________ the understanding that I would be rewarded.

  A) through

  B) by

  C) in

  D) on

  297.Don’t________ this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.

  A) release

  B) relieve

  C) relate

  D) inform

  298.What you have done is________ the doctor’s orders.

  A) subject to

  B) opposite

  C) resistant to

  D) contrary to

  299.Your failure in the final examination is due to the fact that you didn’t________________enough importance to your English.

  A) put

  B) attach

  C) render

  D) place

  300.When we finally________ to get home after the tiring long journey, we could hardly move a step further.

  A) tried

  B) succeeded

  C) managed

  D) endeavoured


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