

  Section 1 Long Conversation


  Long Conversation 1


  Q1. What does professor Henderson say about his main area of research?

  A: It links the science of climate change to economic and policy issues.

  原文Some of our research is to do with the lightly impacts of climate change and all of the associated risks.

  Q2. What does professor Henderson say about climate change?

  A:It would be more costly to deal with its consequences than to avoid it.

  原文To avoid risk.

  Q3.What does professor Henderson say is a top priority in combating climate change?

  A:The transition to low-carbon energy systems.

  【原文This involves huge transition tolow carbon energy systems and the transition is a tremendous priority.

  Q4. What does professor Henderson advise us to do to better deal with climate change?

  A:Plan well in advance.

  原文Have global agreements. / Plan ahead.

  Long Conversation 2


  Q5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

  A: What determines success

  原文Success and luck.

  Q6. What’s the woman’s view of luck?

  A: It means being good at seizing opportunities

  原文How you respond to opportunities that come your way.

  Q7.What’s the chief point that Ted Talks video makes?

  A: Practice is essential to becoming good at something

  原文All about practice.

  Q8.What does the woman think is the funniest thing in the Ted Talks video?

  A: Being passionate about work can make one wealthy

  原文The idea of passion is important.

  Section 2 Passages


  Passage 1

  本篇主要介绍美国的魔鬼塔(Devil’s Tower)。

  Q9. What does Devil’s Tower look like?

  A: To stump of a giant tree

  原文An enormous tree.

  Q10. What cause the volcano’s outer layer to wear away?

  A: Wind and water

  原文Wind and water.

  Q11. What does an Indian legend say about Devil’s Tower?

  A:It was created by supernatural powers

  原文Being formed by supernatural powers.

  Q12. How did the rock god help the seven girls in the Indian legend?

  A:By lifting them well above the ground

  原文Lift the rock far above the ground.

  Passage 2

  Q13. What does the speaker say about drivers who stop at gas stations?

  A:They will buy something from the convenience stores

  原文Buy snacks and items that we can live without.

  Q14.What does the speaker say about extravagances?

  A:They can bring only temporary pleasures

  原文The pleasure disappears long before the bills do.

  Q15. What does the speaker want to show by the example of Chicago woman?

  A:Small daily savings an make a big difference in one's life

  原文To decide whether the good is worth it.

  Section 3 Lectures&Talks


  Recording 1


  Q16. What does the speaker say about negative emotions?

  A:They are necessary in our lives

  原文A natural part of being human.

  Q17. 暂缺

  A:They feel too overwhelmed to deal with life's problem

  原文Problems seem too big to handle.

  Focusing on negativity just keeps it going.

  Q18. How do positive emotions affect us?

  A:They expand our mind

  原文Increase our awareness, attention and memory.

  Take in more information.

  Hold several ideas in mind at once and understand how different ideas relate to each other.

  Recording 2


  Q19. What does the speaker say about the skirt she is wearing now?

  A: It came from a 3D printer

  原文It is made of 3D printing.

  Q20. When did the speaker start experimenting the 3D printing?

  A: When she was studying at a fashion design school

  【原文Senior collection at fashion design school.

  Q21. What was the problem with the material the speaker worked on at New York Fashion House?

  A:It was hard and breakable


  Easy to be scratched.

  Q22. What does the speaker say about Filer flex?

  A:It marks a breakthrough in printing material

  Recording 3


  Q23.What does the speaker say about the problem facing small and medium size enterprises?

  A: They arise from the advances in technology

  原文Having to adapt to rapid advances in technology.

  Q24.What does the speaker say about the technology industry?

  A: It is intensively competitive

  原文Intensely competitive.

  New products launched all-year round.

  Companies strive to compete with each other.

  Q25.What is a practical solution to the problems of small and medium size businesses?

  A: Sharing of costs with each other

  【原文】Cost sharing.


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