Dear John,
I am a student of China, and I am writing this letter for the purpose of telling you that I am going to study abroad in your country and we will share one apartment during my time in your country.
I am glad to communicate with you some of my living habits so that we will have a more harmonious living atmosphere. First, I always go to sleep at 10 o'clock at night and get up at 6 o'clock in the morning. Second, I hope our room is clear and tidy, which is very helpful for us to keep a good mood. Third, I don't want strangers come to our room when we are outside, so we need remember to clock our room when we get out.
As you may know that this is my first time to study abroad, so l have a lot of questions on how to adapt to the life there, I wonder could you please give me some advices on how to adjust the life there? Thank you ahead for your kindness.
Yours sincerely,
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