
  The family is the center of most traditional Asians' lives. Many people worry about their families welfare, reputation, and honor. Asian families are often 1 , including several generations related by 2 or marriage living in the same home. An Asian person's misdeeds are not blamed just on the individual but also on the family ---including the dead 3 .

  Traditional Chinese, among many other Asians, respect their elders and feel a deep sense of duty 4 them. Children repay their parents' 5 by being successful and supporting them in old age. This is accepted as a 6 part of life in China. 7 ,taking care of the aged parents is often viewed as a tremendous 8 in the United States,swheresaging and family support are not 9 highly. 10 , in the youth-oriented United States, growing old is seen as a bad thing, and many old people do not receive respect.

  Pilipinos, the most Americanized of the Asians, are 11 extremely family-oriented. They are 12 to helping their children and will sacrifice greatly for their children to get an education. 13 , the children are devoted to their parents, who often live nearby. Grown children who leave the country for economic reasons 14 send large parts of their income home to their parents.

  The Vietnamese family 15 people currently 16 as well as the spirits of the dead and of the as-yet unborn. Any 17 or actions are done from family considerations, not individual desires. People's behavior is fudged 18 whether it brings shame or pride to the family. The Vietnamese do not particularly believe in self-reliance; in this way, they are the 19 of people in the United States. Many Vietnamese think that their actions in this life will influence their 20 in the next life.

  1. A. enlarged B. extended C. expanded D. lengthened

  2 . A. history B. interaction C. blood D. bond

  3. A. pioneer B. settlers C. immigrant D. ancestors

  4. A. toward B. for C. of D. on

  5. A. contributions B. sufferings C. sacrifices D. tributes

  6. A. formal B. natural C. regular D. peculiar

  7. A. in comparison B. to the same extent C. in a way D. in contrast

  8. A. relief B. responsibility C. burden D. business

  9. A. rewarded B. honored C. regarded D. complimented

  10. A. in fact B. of course C. and yet D. as a result

  11. A. but B. further C. still D. only

  12. A. confined B. dedicated C. corresponded D. exposed

  13. A. in turn B. in exchange C. in vain D. in debt

  14. A. occasionally B. intentionally C. typically D. steadily

  15. A. insists on B. consists of C. persists in D. resists to

  16. A. living B. lively C. alive D. life

  17. A. incidences B. decisions C. accidents D. expedition

  18. A. on B. for C. by D. in

  19. A. counterpart B. opposite C. competitor D. opponent

  20. A. station B. status C. stature D. state


  1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.A

  11.C 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.B



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